Evidence-Based Instruction, Intervention and Supports
Evidence-based instruction, intervention and supports within Kentucky’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (KyMTSS) are those that have been shown by high quality, rigorous research to improve student outcomes. The selection process, led by the leadership team, considers local needs from the perspective of the whole learner, cultural and contextual fit and ensures that practices are aligned with the goals, programs and initiatives established by the district and school. Teams consider and plan for the resources, training and coaching needed to ensure practices are implemented as intended.
Why It’s Essential…
Using evidence-based instruction, intervention and supports as designed and intended increases the likelihood of achieving positive student outcomes. The use of evidence-based practices improves efficiency of the response to students’ needs because educators start with what is known to be effective.
Key Features
- MTSS teams use formal processes for selecting evidence-based practices at all tiers to achieve the desired impact on identified needs.
- Resources, training and coaching are in place to support the implementation of selected evidence-based practices with fidelity.
Integrated leadership teams use a range of school and community data to assess the needs of the students, families and community; select evidence-based practices that are aligned to specific needs; establish measurable goals for improvement; monitor progress and make adaptations to instruction, intervention and supports as needed.
- Outcome and fidelity of implementation data are gathered and analyzed to monitor the effectiveness of instruction, intervention and supports.
- Evidence-based practices are selected that fit the cultural context of the population being served.
- Instructional practices, interventions and supports are selected that align with district and school priorities and initiatives.
- A continuum of equitable, culturally responsive and evidence-based instructional practices and intervention programs and strategies are identified at each tier and intensified as appropriate to meet the needs of identified students.
Resources and Tools
Edmonds, R., Gandi, A. & Holdheide, L. (2016). What counts as evidence? Making decisions for instruction and intervention within a multi-tiered system of support [Webinar]. National Center on Intensive Intervention. Retrieved from https://intensiveintervention.org/resource/what-counts-evidence-making-decisions-instruction-and-intervention-within-multi-tiered
Chaparro, E. & Horner, R. (2015). Selecting and implementing evidence-based practices [Webinar]. OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Retrieved from PBIS.org | Video: Selecting and Implementing Evidence-based Practices (SCTG Webinar)