
KyMTSS promotes the integration of systems-level approaches and state/district/school initiatives under one comprehensive framework to more efficiently use resources while focusing on improving outcomes for every student.

  • Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) are examples of multi-tiered systems that are integrated under the overarching framework of KyMTSS.

  • Integrated school mental health, social-emotional learning, trauma-informed schools, resiliency practices and bully-free schools are just a few examples of initiatives that are supported under the comprehensive framework of KyMTSS.

Benefits of KyMTSS

  • Allows for a more effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable use of resources.

  • Aligns with research that demonstrates the interconnectedness of academic and behavior skills.

  • Provides more seamless support through the use of integrated teams, data, and practices.

  • Reduces initiative overload by utilizing a single, cohesive framework of systems, data and practices.

Path to KyMTSS

Each and every student empowered and equipped for a successful future.

KDE’s Vision and KyMTSS

The vision of the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), “each and every student empowered and equipped to pursue a successful future”, sets the focus for the work of the agency and is also the goal of an integrated MTSS. The essential elements of KyMTSS align with this vision and the big ideas of United We Learn: access and opportunity, and authentic engagement and partnerships as outlined in KDE’s Strategic Plan.

Associated Regulations