Tiered Delivery System with a Continuum of Supports
Kentucky’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (KyMTSS) is a preventative framework organized to provide a continuum of instruction, intervention and supports to meet the academic, behavioral and social-emotional needs of all students. Three tiers are typically used to describe the level and intensity of practices across the continuum. Movement through the tiers is a flexible and fluid process based on student assessment data and collaborative team decisions.
Why It’s Essential…
The design and implementation of a multi-tiered approach provides for efficient and effective allocation of resources within the educational system. When practices are implemented with fidelity, a layered continuum of instruction and intervention will support the academic, behavioral and social-emotional needs of all learners.
Key Features

The targeted or supplemental level of support. Intended for some students who require more opportunities for practice and feedback or enrichment beyond Tier 1. In sustainable systems, 10-15% of students access this level of support in addition to the universal level. Tier 2 supports are often provided to groups of students with similar targeted needs.

The most intensive level of support. It is intended for students with the most significant and persistent needs extending well beyond the reach of the Tier 1 level. In effective systems, 3-5% of students need access to this level of support. Tier 3 is characterized by increased intensity and individualization of instruction and targeted supports.
- Communication and collaboration among key stakeholders (staff, families, community partners) at each tier.
- Allocation of equitable resources (personnel, materials, space, time) to provide access to the full continuum of instruction, interventions and supports to meet the needs of the whole learner.
- Clearly articulated processes in place for how learners will be identified as needing intervention or extensions; a description of the continuum of interventions and supports; decision rules to enter, intensify and exit intervention; and progress monitoring guidelines.
Ongoing professional learning opportunities and coaching provided in how to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners and in strategies to intensify the intervention and supports.
Analysis of relevant data across the continuum to match supports to student need(s), utilizing a consistent problem-solving process.
- Analysis of student outcome data and intervention tracking data to determine level of use, effectiveness and fidelity of implementation.
- Fluid movement between tiers supported by data and student response to intervention.
Equitable, responsive and evidence-based instructional practices, intervention programs and strategies identified at each tier, matched to student need and delivered in an environment where students feel safe, supported and welcome.
- Tier 1: All students receive high quality universal instruction aligned with grade-level standards, school-wide behavioral expectations and core social-emotional competencies. Teachers use differentiation and scaffolding to ensure all students benefit from core instruction.
- Tier 2 and 3: MTSS teams identify academic interventions and/or targeted behavioral and social-emotional supports that have demonstrated positive effects for desired outcomes and are aligned with student needs.
Interventions and supports are delivered with fidelity with an appropriate duration and at a frequency to ensure students have additional teacher modeling, increased opportunities for practice and precise feedback or enrichment and acceleration beyond Tier 1.
Resources and Tools
Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports. Essential components of MTSS (n/d). Retrieved from Essential Components of MTSS | Center on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (mtss4success.org)
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (2021). Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports [Website]. Tiered framework. Retrieved from https://www.pbis.org/pbis/tiered-framework